Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Squirrel hunting

One of the things I loved doing as a boy was squirrel hunting. There were two way to hunt squirrels. One was to do it with a dog the dog would find the squirrel for you and when the dog ran the squirrel up a tree the dog would begin barking. You would simply find the dog by listen to it bark. A good squirrel dog would follow the squirrel as it went from tree to tree. When you arrived at the tree where the squirrel was you would shoot it with your gun. A twenty-two was better than a shotgun. You could shoot the squirrel better with a shotgun, but if you were too close the many little balls of lead would destroy too much of the squirrel. Also the lead shot would be in various parts of the meat so you might bite down of a piece of lead while eating the meat and break a piece of your tooth.

Another way to hunt squirrel is to go to a tree where there are eating. They like acorns and hickory nuts. You walk quietly up to the tree and watch and listen to their chewing noise and locate the squirrel then shoot it. After shooting it be quiet again until they begin eating then shoot another one and so on until you have killed them all or they have run off.

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