Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The day the Sheriff came to school

             Boys will be boys, they say, but that’s not an excuse. I never did get the full story. I don’t know how it got started or who started it. It must have been really popular because only 4 boys did not get called out the day the sheriff and his deputies came to our school.
            They took the boys outside and positioned them a good distance from each other. They were far enough apart that they could not hear what each was saying to the sheriff and his deputies. They would talk to one boy for a while then go to the next one It was around and around but not a merry-go-round. Someone broke and told the sheriff what he needed to know.
Eventually they all confessed. So they carted them all off to jail.
            Of the 4 boys who did not get called out, the sheriff and his men did not even question them. Up front they knew all who were involved because every boy who was called out went to jail. The sheriff was not on a fact finding tour. He knew up front who he was after; it was just a matter of getting confessions. Someone had been watching and knew who the guilty parties were and passed the information on to the sheriff. Who was this person? I never found out.
            They had been stealing gas from the High School supplies. I don’t know if stealing candy from the school’s candy store was a part of the equation or not. I do know that that was also happening because I was offered candy that had been stolen. The boy who offered it to me told me he had taken it from the store. He had broken into the store on the weekend and had taken boxes of candy, but since he told me it was stolen I refused it. I felt it was wrong to eat stolen candy; but I did not think I was obligated to turn him in. That is how we Christians sometimes get our ethics all mixed up.

            None of them went into a life of crime. They, as group, were basically good boys who thought they were being cool. My guess is that some of them did not want to steal but did not want to be seen by their peers as “not cool”’  

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