Saturday, March 22, 2014

 Skunk hunting on Sunday meant being sent home on Monday One Sunday afternoon we had company which came home with us from church. The dog was in the woods barking his head off so we decided to go see what he had treed. We arrived to find that he had chased a skunk in a hole in the ground. We decided we would extract the skunk from the hole. After all the dog had done his work we should not slack off on ours. To get a skunk from the hole you take a small long limb about six or seven feet in length and you make a small split in one end and pull it apart enough so that when you push the pole against the skunks fur you can twist the pole and its fur gets caught in the split and you pull it out by it fur. Skunks have a safety feature which
is a very strong odor that can actually make you sick if you get too strong a stream on your person. We could not get the twist pole on the adult skunk so we sharpened the stick and poked it through the hairless babies and retrieved them in that manner. There is really nothing you can do with a baby skunk so all we got for our trouble was a full dose of skunk spray.

We shed our clothes when we got home and bathed in strong soap all to no avail. The scent was there until it wore off. We arrived in school on Monday only to be sent home by the teacher. For some reason she did not like the way we smelled. Image that if you can?

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