Monday, February 10, 2014

The trauma of overalls and modern washing machines. When I first started to school we did not have electricity so my clothes were washed using a number two galvanized wash tub and a rub board. But alas there came the day that the local Tennessee Valley Rural Electrical Association found Witts Springs on their map a came out our way putting in electrical poles and they put one right close to our house. We were on our way to modernity. We had electricity. The first thing we bought was a refrigerator and we now could have ice cream without waiting for a snowy day. Next came an electric washing machine with an electric wringer. It was easier to wring water out of overalls using the wringer than by hand but the rollers that the wringers had could wreck havoc on the metal fastener on the galluses. Herein lay the problem, after several times being washed and ran through the wringer the metal parts became bent and hard to fasten, that is to latch and unlatch. I was in school and needed to go to the bathroom. I ask and received permission to go. By the time I arrived to the outhouse the urge was upon me and I was unable to undo the fastener on the end of the galluses. The end result was that I did my business in my overalls. I could not go back to class after messing in my cloths so I went over the school fence behind the outhouse and went through the woods to our house where I could get help. I do not remember the teacher ever asking what had happened that I did not return to class. It may be that she got busy and did not miss me.

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