Monday, January 27, 2014

Cat fighting and fund raising. Small schools have little money so they sometimes need to have money raising events. One way they do this is to hold carnival like events with games that offer small prizes that cost very little. They can charge to play the game and make money. Things like throwing baseballs at pins or darts at balloons are good games that are safe and are an easy way to raise cash for school needs. Once when the Witts Springs School was planning such an event they ask the high schools students for input in to the events which could raise money. Some of the boys came up with the idea of having cat fights. With some persuading they were able to talk the teacher sponsors of the event to proceed with the cat fights. This meant that they had to scour the neighborhoods and farm to find cats that could be used. Most farms have more cats than they need so it was not to difficult to come with a stash of cats. These were put in cages and fed and watered until the event of the carnival. Two tame house cats don’t just natural fight if you put them in a cage together. You need to do something to encourage the combatants. The boys found out if you strung a wire line across the room and tied the tails of the cats together and draped them on the wire the cats would fight each other. They used one of the school rooms and cleared the desks out of the way and charged admission for people to come into the room and watch the fight. It was both a success and a failure. It was a success since it did raise money without costing anything but the work of volunteers. The failure was what they did not take into account. When cats are mad, scared and fighting they urinate. They urinated not a little but a lot. The stench in the room was a major problem. The room was washed, disinfected, scrubbed and rescrubbed with little affect on relieving the smell. The room had to be vacated by the teacher and class and had to be aired out for many weeks before the smell abated enough to be used again. So the first and only cat fight event came and went into the annuals of history at Witts Spring School. 

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